She's here!!!
Kennedy Lynn Marshall
7 lbs 10.8 oz 20.5 inches
After 40 weeks of no baby the doctor was sweet enough to enduce me. Andrew was a month early and Tyler was two weeks early so the doctors were surprised how stubborn this one was especially since I had been fully effaced and dilated t0 a five for three weeks.
We drove to the hospital at 6:30 in the morning after dropping the boys off at sweet Aunt Ellen's house the night before. It was so nice to go to the hospital knowing you were going to have a baby, but dot dying in pain on your way there.
We arrived at the hospital and there was no one to be found anywhere. The front lobby was empty so we went to labor and delivery looking for anyone to check in with. No one. Where on earth were all of the nurses? We then went to the nursery hoping to find someone, but there were no babies. I guess no one else in Milledgeville was having a baby either and all babies were just being stubborn.
After about 10 minutes we finally found someone and they took us to our room where we were to deliver. They had me get dressed in the appropriate clothing and fill out all of the needed forms. They then went though all the routine questions and we were ready to begin. They hooked me up to a machine to see if anything was happening or if they needed to give me pattosum to get me going. I was having contractions about every 10-12 minutes which had been going on for basically three weeks. I had been at a five for weeks now so it was no surprise to me that I was having constant contractions this close but nothing had ever been five minutes apart so there was never a need to go to the hospital.
At about 8:30 the doctor came and decided to break my water to see if that would do anything. It worked immediately and I was having contractions about a minute and a half apart and each one got worse. They tried calling the anesthesiologist to give me an epidural but he was in the middle of a procedure and I had to wait. They gave me some drug to try and take the edge off and it made me extremely tired. I could hear people talking and I could think clearly in my mind to respond but I was not able to open my eyes or talk to them because I was so tired. They had a nurse anesthetist come and give me my epidural and soon after I told him I did not feel very well and before I knew it I had passed out just like I did with Tyler. The anesthetist did not know what do to so he immediately called the anesthesiologist, Dr. Ryan who just happens to be in our ward. All I remember when I came to, is him shaking me and yelling my name in my ear and trying to inform me as to where I was. It was horrible.
After about an hour the baby was ready to come so they had me push and push and nothing. They let me rest for awhile and try again and still nothing. The O.B. went back to work and stopped by about every hour to try again and still nothing. Within a few hours the meds had worn off and they had to give them to me again and once again I did not feel very good and passed out. For hours we tried to push out a baby and at about 1:00 the O.B. said that the baby has not yet moved past my pelvic bone and is stuck and I would need to have a c-section to get her out. They prepped the O.R. and got me ready to go down stairs. Right before all of this happened Georgia Seabrook, my roomie in Isreal stopped by because she thought that she was going to see a baby only to find out that I was going into surgery. After seeing my nephew Jacob be born by c-section 9 years ago I knew that there was no way that Bryan should be there since he can't even handle a bloody nose. Sweet Georgia decided to come with me and help me out in the O.R. while Bryan waited outside.
They took me into the O.R. and prepped me at about 1:45 and cut me at about 1:55. Both of my O.B.'s were there for the surgery, Dr. Brown who delivered Andrew and Dr. Palmer who delivered Tyler. It was a 10 minute procedure and the entire time I could here them talking saying "can someone hold her bladder? Can someone hold her ...?" I asked Georgia "did I just hear what I think I heard?"
At 2:05 pm little Kennedy was born and she was perfect. They let me see and kiss her and they they took here to get cleaned and warmed up in the nursery for three hours while I went to recovery.